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What Is a Closed Adoption?

Life has thrown its curveballs at you, and adoption seems like the right choice for you. A closed adoption is the most private adoption out of the three. In this blog, we want to clarify what a closed adoption entails, and you can see if it fits your lifestyle well.

A Closed Adoption

Maybe you’re struggling, and your living situation is not safe or stable for a child. A closed adoption may be a good option if you’d like no communication with your child and the adoptive family, as it may be the safest thing for them.

A closed adoption is an adoption when the birth parents request that the adoption agency choose an adoptive family for their baby, or they choose the family from agency profiles but do not meet them.

With a closed adoption, your coordinator will choose a couple based on your expectations. You won’t know each other’s names or exchange any identifying information, and the birth certificate is sealed to keep your information confidential.

Other Types of Adoption

There is more than one type of adoption if you do change your mind. Open and semi-open adoption plans give you more flexibility if needed.

Open Adoption

Open adoption is where the adoptive parents and birth parents share certain information and sometimes agree to ongoing contact. 

As the birth mother, you can choose the adoptive family. With an open adoption plan, both parties share all of your identifying information. You and the adoptive family arrange meetings and conversations.

Semi-Open Adoption

Lastly, a semi-open adoption is a combination of adoption plans. Communication is made between you and your child and the adoptive family, except through the adoption agency or specialist of your choosing.

Is Adoption for You?

Find an adoption attorney or agency that has a good reputation. We’ve helped many women through the adoption process through the years. Our compassionate team is here to share our experience with you and guide you through the process in a safe, comfortable environment. Talk to us today to get your many questions answered at no cost to you and completely confidential. You are not alone.


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