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Free Parenting Classes in September

Parenting classes can make a big difference for both you and your baby. Participating in a parenting class can help you create favorable conditions for your child’s development. Did you know that attending parenting classes can help you in the following ways:

  1. Make your home a safe place,

  2. Learn to calm your baby,

  3. Put your baby to sleep,

  4. Budget for your household, and

  5. Earn points for free baby supplies while you learn

As a new parent, you could feel that you need some assistance, and the truth is, we all need it from time to time, especially when attempting something new.

At PDHC, we are here to serve you in any way possible. We provide a wide variety of free parenting classes, and in addition, you will earn free baby supplies, including baby diapers, baby clothing, a pack ‘n play, and a car seat.

You will acquire the knowledge you genuinely require by participating in our program to empower families. You will learn how to perform emergency first aid on your babies and children, make your home safe, and handle the stress of being a new parent. Such as how to calm your baby, put your baby to sleep, and budget for your household; you will also learn how to handle the stress of being a new parent.

Catch the other classes we offer including Learning about Male and Female Brains on Friday, September 2, Developing Empathy on September 9, Determining and recognizing our Needs on September 16, and Recognizing and understanding Feelings, on September 29

We believe parents should be provided with the support they need to have a healthy and happy child. The decision is yours whether you want to take our parenting class in person or participate online!

To sign up for FREE parenting classes visit

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