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Am I Pregnant?

We know you have a lot on your mind, and we’re here for you. Check out the information on this page for answers to some common questions you may have. 

Free Pregnancy Tests

You may have taken a home pregnancy test and are wondering if it’s right. Our centers offer free, confidential pregnancy tests administered by nurses who can guide you through your next steps. We’ll provide you with all the support and information you need, no matter the results.

Free Ultrasounds

Each ultrasound is administered by a PDHC nurse. This is a vital step in ensuring your health and safety as you make a choice for your pregnancy. Learn more about why you need an ultrasound before making your pregnancy decision.

Consultations, Information, Support

We know you’re facing a challenging situation, and that’s why we’re here. You’ve got lots of questions. We’re here to listen and empower you with information and practical support. You never need to wait, our hotline is available 24/7.

Our team of nurses is ready to help you. In a friendly, supportive, and comfortable environment, you can receive a free pregnancy test and, in many cases, an ultrasound. Are you in need of one of these free services? Get in touch with us today.

Pregnancy Tests, STI Tests, Ultrasounds
Abortion Pill

Have you taken the first abortion pill? Do you wish you could change your mind? We may be able to help. Click here to learn more about how there is still hope.

Clothing, Supplies, and More

We are here for you through your pregnancy and baby’s first birthday. Free pregnancy and parenting classes enable you to earn points for diapers, wipes, baby clothes, breastfeeding items, and more. Maternity clothes are free and you may be eligible for a car seat and crib.

Our Services

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered here, you don’t have to wonder! Just call or text our 24-hour hotline so a consultant can get you the support you need. Share as little or as much as you would like with them. Many of our consultants have experienced unplanned pregnancies of their own, so they are happy to talk about your specific situation or simply help you schedule an appointment.

  • Some common pregnancy symptoms or signs of pregnancy are:

    • Missed or irregular period

    • Nausea, vomiting, “morning sickness”

    • Frequent urination

    • Sore breasts

    • Tired

    • Weight gain

    • Moodiness

  • Pregnancy symptoms can be confusing because they can also be symptoms of other conditions. Many women wonder if they are imagining symptoms in hopes or fear of being pregnant. So, detecting the early signs of pregnancy without a test can be tricky.

    You could also be pregnant even if you used contraception. No form of contraception offers a 100% guarantee. If you’re worried about being pregnant, the best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test.

  • If you’ve taken a test at home and received a positive result, we can administer a free, confirming test at our clinic. We know a lot of emotions come along with a positive test, and we are ready to provide you with support, information, and resources. Your results, as well as anything you discuss with our team, are completely confidential. We offer a safe space, with no judgment.

  • Having a positive pregnancy test indicates pregnancy but only a doctor can diagnose pregnancy.  PDHC can provide you with an initial or verifying pregnancy test if you are unsure about a home pregnancy test result. We can also talk with you about our ultrasound services.​

    You can speak with a consultant and schedule an appointment for a free pregnancy test by calling or texting Pregnancy Decision Health Centers at 614-444-4411.

    • Checks to see if there is a fetus and a heartbeat

    • Tells you how far along you are

    • Checks for twins

    • Looks to see if there are signs of miscarriage or tubal pregnancy​

  • At PDHC, an ultrasound may be offered to you after a confirming pregnancy test and consultation. Ultrasounds are provided by a nurse and reviewed by a doctor. The nurses and trained specialists can answer many questions you might have about your pregnancy and the options available to you. Schedule an appointment with one of our nurses to confirm your pregnancy.

Prenatal Care

If you don’t have health insurance or think you cannot afford prenatal care, we can help you get connected to free community resources!

Consultations, Information, Support

We know you’re facing a challenging situation, and that’s why we’re here. You’ve got lots of questions. We’re here to listen and empower you with information and practical support. You never need to wait, our hotline is available 24/7.

Pregnancy Tests, STI Tests, Ultrasounds

Our team of nurses is ready to help you. In a friendly, supportive, and comfortable environment, you can receive a free pregnancy test and, in many cases, an ultrasound. Are you in need of one of these free services? Get in touch with us today.

Abortion Pill

Have you taken the first abortion pill? Do you wish you could change your mind? We may be able to help. Click here to learn more about how there is still hope.

Clothing, Supplies, and More

We are here for you through your pregnancy and baby’s first birthday. Free pregnancy and parenting classes enable you to earn points for diapers, wipes, baby clothes, breastfeeding items, and more. Maternity clothes are free and you may be eligible for a car seat and crib.

Family Empowerment

Our Services

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